The Power of Words
July 2019 by Sharon Dillard
There are certain words, phrases, and tones that you use every day to create a better relationship with your customers. Because words have incredible power, they can either make someone’s day or destroy it. Words can get you a five-star review or turn even the most loyal customer against you. Here are a few lessons that I’ve learned over the years to help you use your words effectively.
Find out. Talk about what your customer’s needs are and what they want. Ask if they understand or have questions instead of over- or underexplaining. It’s easy to accidentally belittle someone when you’re trying to close a sale or resolve an issue. Remember that you can’t force a customer to make a decision. They need to feel comfortable and ready.
Think before you speak. Albert Mehrabian, a professor of psychology, came up with the rule determining that successful communication is made up of three parts: the words you use, your tone of voice, and your body language. Don’t believe me? Try this exercise. If someone asks you how you’re doing, tell them, “I’m doing really well. How about you?” What’s the response? Now try, this: “I guess I’m all right.” Quite a different reaction, right?
Watch your tone. Tone is everything, especially on the phone. Tone of voice, inflection, volume, and pace of your speech are much more important when you’re speaking to someone over the phone because they can’t see you. Customers will make judgments about your attitude, willingness to help, and even your personality based on the way you speak to them.
There is no “try.” Avoid telling customers that you will “try” to do something for them. To quote Yoda, “Do or do not. There is no try.” Use phrases like “Let me speak with my supervisor to see what we can do,” instead of “I’ll try.” Saying that you will do something helps clients feel secure. They’ll trust that you’re working hard for them instead of merely going through the motions.
Attitude is key. One of the first things I learned in business is to have an attitude of gratitude, and it’s one of the first things I teach both my employees and franchisees. Expressing thanks regularly and doing it well is one of the most profitable business strategies you can share.
Go old school. In a world of emails and texts, a handwritten thank you note goes a long way. Whether it’s a note for a coworker, employee, or a customer, it’s a sure way to stand apart from the crowd.
End on a high note. When you say “thank you” to your customers, they tell their friends and family about the exceptional service and products you deliver. Word of mouth recommendations lead to new customers, too, which is what everyone wants.
Remember that your words have more power than you think. Your customers want to know that you’re on their side and doing your best to help them. So watch what you say and how you say it—no one likes talking to a machine! Just sayin’.
Published: New Mexico Apartment News Magazine – July/August 2019
Sharon Dillard is the award-winning CEO of Get A Grip Inc., a national franchise kitchen and bathroom resurfacing company based in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
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