Get Up and Get Moving!
November 2011 by Sharon Dillard
The holidays are here, and I’m not looking forward to the annual extra weight I (and everyone else) will gain. I have solved the mystery surrounding why I am out of shape, though. Yep I know, I’m a little older but no excuse. I figured out that I don’t move! Shocking, isn’t it? Getting to this simple conclusion took a little research on the whys and wherefores, and also uncovered a pretty easy solution. And guess what? The solution is free and will last a lifetime.
Here’s what got me going in the right direction. I read an interesting article. In it, a doctor asked his patient, “I can give you medicine that will treat one condition and cost money, or I can give you a prescription for physical activity that will help prevent a whole range of diseases.” Which would you choose? I know I’d rather NOT take medication, especially when there is something I can do that costs nothing and could have beneficial side effects.
Here are some of the ideas I discovered that you could implement, too. All are low cost or no cost and require only a little gumption. Being physically active is key to living longer, healthier, happier lives and can help people achieve and maintain a healthy weight and lowers the risk for certain diseases.
Prescription Trails. Healthcare professionals assess their patients’ fitness at the beginning, then write a tailored walking prescription based on the current physical condition. Walking programs can contribute to the treatment and prevention of a number of chronic conditions such as diabetes, depression and high blood pressure. For more information on local walking trails and parks go to:
Walk the dog. You and your best friend will benefit from a quick stroll around the block. This is something that I personally need to do more often. Our dogs love to get out, but when it’s cold and getting dark at the end of a long day, it sure is hard to go for the leash and head outside. That’s when I look at my furry children and remember that their health is just as important as mine.
Buddy up! Exercising with a friend is one of the best ways to get and stay motivated. You make a commitment to each other – and no one wants to disappoint their friend. Plus, you wind up pushing each other to do more, faster and longer than if you go it alone.
10,000 steps. Conventional wisdom says that 10,000 steps a day is the minimum we need to move. In the normal course of events — just living and working — the average person takes anywhere from 900 to 3000 steps in a day and not much more. Walking 10,000 steps is the approximate equivalent of walking 5 miles. You can totally do that.
Pedometer or iPhone app: Unless you are really good at counting, you will probably want to pick up a quality pedometer to measure your steps. Some pedometers also monitor distances, and even heart rate, calories burned, etc. or if you’re lucky enough to own an iPhone you can down this aps to your phone.
Truck it. You’ve heard this one over and over again. Park as far away from entrances when you shop. I started this years ago when I got my first new car, and didn’t want any door dings. Then I realized, it takes just a few seconds longer but worth it to burn that few extra calories. It all adds up.
Hit the mall. Did you know that most malls open an hour or so early for walkers? Cold weather is right around the corner, so move your walk time indoors. And even if the stores are open, you can leave your cash and credit cards at home and simply stroll around the mall in a temperature-controlled, relatively safe environment. As long as you plan your route away from the food court, you’ll be fine.
Take the stairs. Elevators and escalators were fun when we were kids, but taking the stairs adds steps to your daily total, and it is a great, easy calorie burner.
Just move it. Can’t get out to walk? Do something else! Dance! Swim! Bike! Hike! Jog or run! Take an aerobics, Pilates or yoga class! Box or do a martial art! The idea is that moving your body more than you do now will be beneficial.
I promise that if you try any of these suggestions, you’ll start to feel better, your clothes will fit better and your mood will improve. Just sayin’.
Sharon Dillard is the award-winning CEO of Get A Grip Inc., a national franchise kitchen and bathroom resurfacing company based in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
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